Friday 28 September 2018


Penglihatan adalah satu anugerah yang tak ternilai. Masalah penglihatan tidak hanya terhad kepada masalah kerabunan tetapi mencakupi masalah penyakit okular dan sistemik yang jika tidak dikesan dan dirawat diperingkat awal boleh mengakibatkan kebutaan. Banyak masalah kebutaan dapat dielakkan jika diagnosa dan intervensi awal dapat dilakukan. Pencegahan kebutaan melibatkan satu ekosistem yang komplek dalam proses penyampaian kesihatan. Namun, penyaringan diperingkat awal adalah langkah awal dalam ekosistem penyampaian kesihatan mampu mencegah kebutaan dan dapat membantu pesakit mendapat kehidupan yang berkualiti.

Penyaringan Penglihatan Komuniti (Community Vision Screening, CVS) adalah satu langkah awal bagi mendapatkan maklumat dan menyampaikan kesedaran pencegahan kebutaan peringkat awal kepada komuniti.

Baca artikel ini untuk maklumat lanjut:

Prevention of Blindness
by Ismail K Jalili, FRCS, DO, FRCOphth

Review of Optometry


Angle Width Linked to Glaucoma Progression

IOP fluctuations could be the cause, study says.

Patients with narrow-angle normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) may be more prone to disease progression than those with wide-angle NTG, according to the findings of a recent study in JAMA Ophthalmology.
In an effort to find out if anterior chamber angle width played a role in NTG disease progression, researchers at Seoul National University Hospital conducted a retrospective analysis of data from 2004 to 2009, which included 104 patients, 52 with wide-angle NTG and 52 with narrow-angle NTG. Non-indentation gonioscopy was used to grade anterior chamber angles.
The cumulative probability of both structural and functional progression was significantly greater in the narrow-angle than in the wide-angle group, researchers noted.
Over the course of the approximate seven-year follow-up, 25 of the 52 narrow-angle eyes (48.1%) and 13 of the 52 wide-angle eyes (25.0%) showed structural progression. Additionally, 21 of the 52 narrow-angle eyes (40.3%) and nine of the 52 wide-angle eyes (17.3%) showed functional progression.
The baseline diurnal intraocular pressure (IOP) was approximately 1.38x greater in the narrow-angle group than in the wide-angle group. In the follow-up, the narrow-angle group showed an approximate 1.75x greater difference in IOP fluctuation, which the researchers noted could be linked to a greater chance of disease progression.
 “Further studies determining whether augmented or differentiated treatment strategies would be beneficial for patients with narrow-angle NTG are warranted,” the investigators said.

Friday 14 September 2018

Evaluation Risk of Developing Glaucoma: A New Way To Accurate Diagosis

Glaucoma is progressive in nature, early identification is pivotal. Patients with risk factors are monitored, sometimes for years, before a definitive diagnosis can be made. Unfortunately, despite advancements in our understanding of glaucoma risk, all the factors noted have relatively poor sensitivity and specificity. A recent article released sponsored by Reichert give a new hope for better diagnosis and management of glaucoma.