Thursday 28 March 2019


PhD, MHSc, B. Optom (Hons); MOC Reg. No: O-0207

1. Fellow of Association of Malaysian Optometrists (FAMO)
2. Member of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
3. Member of Asia Pacific of Glaucoma Society (APGS)
4. Member of Heads of Optometry Program Council (HOPC)
5. Committee Member of The Way forward of Malaysian Optometry 2030
6. Panel Head for Malaysian Qualification Agency , MQA
7. Reviewer for Malaysian Journal of health Sciences
8. Reviewer for Journal of Management and Science
9. Editor, Journal of Optometry, Eye and Health Research

Dr Mohd Zaki Awg Isa is an Associate Professor at Department of Optometry & Vision Science, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Management and Science University. He is a qualified Optometrist graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 1996, obtained his MHSc in Optometry, specializing in Visual Functions of the glaucoma patients from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in 2003 and PhD in area of Public Health specializing in Community and Management of Health Care System from Management and Science University (MSU) in 2013. He has been practicing as an Optometrist for more than 20 years and teaching in Optometry for more than 15 years.

He was appointed as a tutor and lecturer at the University Kebangsaan Malaysia from 1999 to 2005. In 2005, he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and Consultant Optometrist by Medi Opto Services Sdn Bhd. Since then his commitment is in business and involved in development of various business activities and secure a job for more than 2 million a year, which include technical manual for franchise programme, consultant and trainer for entrepreneur development under MARA and Koperasi Muslimin Malaysia Berhad. He was working as Manager/Consultant with his own company Mind of Success Training and Consultancy and was appointed as consultant to develop training manual for MARA and proposed halal hub centre for Perak State Government. While he is working in Industry, he still active in teaching and research in University.

In 2008, he joined Management and Science University as a lecturer. He is the founder and Head of the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Management and Science University (MSU), and also serve as Director of MSU Eye Centre. The optometry programme at MSU was granted full accreditation in June 2014 and moving forward to achieve it vision and mission to be one of the leading Optometry School in the region and International. Prior to his current post, he was involved in establishing few optometry departments in Malaysia including Optometry Programme in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), International University College of Technology Twintech (IUCTT), University Teknology Mara (UiTM). He is now supervising undergraduate and postgraduate students as part of academic responsibilities. His research interests are in clinical optometry and public health in area of prevention of blindness. He has initiated a vision and eye studies at MSU as a Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP) and a community flagship program for the MSU called Prevention of Blindness Project as University Social Responsibility (USR) project to promote better health care and awareness in Vision and the Eye to the community. With his experience, he actively participated in various Scientific, Technical committees and Conferences.

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