Thursday 28 March 2019

Congress of Optometry and Vision Research 2019 (COVR2019)

The Congress of Optometry and Vision Research (COVR) is initiated from a series of MSU Optometry and Vision Science Exhibition and Seminar (MOVES) held by the Department of Optometry and Vision Science, Faculty of Health and Life Science, Management and Science University, Malaysia. This year, it aims to expand and extend to an international level in order to gather participation from local and international, and to promote a collaboration and networking among optometry schools, researchers, academicians, practitioners and students within ASEAN. The inaugural Congress of Optometry and Vision Research 2019 (COVR2019) focuses on promoting the prevention of blindness issues specifically on the topic of vision rehabilitation where researchers, academicians, practitioners and students expose to the current trends in preventing blindness at primary, secondary and tertiary level.

Together with the inspiration of sustainable development goals related to health (SDG 3 and SDG4), this congress is aligned very much with the vision and mission of World Sight Day, Vision 2020 and World Prevention of Blindness. With the objectives to promote research and networking within academic community, to enhance the quality of education in optometry and vision science, to provide clinical updates to the practitioners, and to engage in industry relationships in advance eye and vision care, Management and Science (MSU) will bring together scholars, professionals, practitioners and non-government organisations from various disciplines and specialties in optometry and vision science and countries. The Congress provides them with a unique platform for sharing the latest knowledge, advancement in technologies and prevalent practices in low vision and visual rehabilitation and providing a better accessibility to quality of care and quality of life to the community in ASEAN region. In addition to that, this congress will also provide a platform to optometry students within ASEAN countries to gather for networking and shaping the future education in optometry and vision science. 

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Congress of Optometry and Vision Science 2019 (COVR2019). I would like to congratulate the Department of Optometry and Vision Science DOVS), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS) for this inaugural meeting that gather academicians, optometrists, eye healthcare practitioners, students, NGOs and industries for eye and vision care updates and new ideas. The COVR2019 is initiated from a series of MSU optometry and Vision Science Exhibition and Seminar (MOVES) held by the Department. This biennial event is the platform to enhance the participants experience and promote sharing knowledge among researchers, eye care professionals, industries and the community.
The theme ‘Current outlook on visual rehabilitation’ is very much related MSU Prevention of Blindness project focus on prevention of sight as a flagship university program in promoting the prevention of blindness issues at primary, secondary and tertiary level. The rehabilitation program is part of the University initiative to support the above inspiration. In line with the inspiration of sustainable development goals related to health (SDG3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG4: Quality Education), this congress is aligned very much with the vision and mission of World Sight Day, Vision 2020 and World Prevention of Blindness. MSU is committed to providing the best to the community and COVR2019 is one of the initiatives to achieve that mission. We would like to see our students and faculty at the forefront of the local and global health environment particularly in eye and vision care.
Once again, I congratulate the organizing committee of COVR2019, students and faculty and all participants, I wish you all the best.

Prof. Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid

I welcome everyone to the Congress of Optometry and Vision Science 2019 (COVR2019). The theme of the congress is “Current outlook on Vision Rehabilitation” provides a new perspective on vision rehabilitation for all ages. The congress aims to gather participants from ASEAN Countries to share and exchange knowledge and activities in preventing blindness, vision rehabilitation and promoting collaboration among participants toward providing quality of eye care services and achieving quality of life of the people, particularly in their respective county.

There were more than 200 participants from local and ASEAN Countries registered for COVR2019. I hope this congress will be a good platform to all participants to participate and interact with other researchers, academicians and practitioners from various countries and enjoy the fascinating view of Shah Alam as well as Malaysian hospitality.
I would like to thank and congratulate the organizing committee, students, faculty and industries partners for their supports to make this event success. My appreciation to YBhg. Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Wira Dr Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid, President of MSU for his continuous support on the Optometry & Vision Science initiatives.

All the best.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Zaki Awg Isa
Chairman,COVR 2019
Head,Department of Optometry & Vision Science

I welcome and extend greetings to all delegates and participants from local and across ASEAN Countries to the Congress of Optometry and Vision Research 2019 (COVR2019). I would like also to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences of the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences (FHLS) for their initiative to organize this 1st International Congress of Optometry and Vision Research 2019.

The department has successfully organized many events in this nature and this is an international event that gathered optometrists, vision care experts and researchers to share the current updates in optometry and vision science. Definitely, this event will also provide an opportunity to our students to enhance their knowledge and improve their soft skills parallel with our MSU vision and mission which is to produce versatile and
holistic or well balanced quality of graduates. I also hope this event can be held continuously in the future as a regular event of our university.
Congratulations to organizing committee, faculty lecturers and students who have given full efforts from the beginning which made all this possible. Also, congratulations to our industries partners that provide a continuous support to our events.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sairah Abdul Karim
Dean, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Let me first share that the Congress of Optometry & Vision Research 2019 is very special because it is the first collaboration between Department of Optometry & Vision Science, Faculty of Health & Life Science, Management Science University and Low Vision & Visual Rehabilitation Committee, Ministry of Health, Malaysia. This synergistic partnership has resulted in a congress that represents a unique opportunity to share our experiences with each other. We are privileged to be the coorganizer of this important congress.

The congress theme, Current Outlook on Visual Rehabilitation has been carefully chosen to mark the important roles of a wide range of professional services that can restore functioning after vision loss. Much effort has recently been devoted to developing new tools and aids for low vision rehabilitation, leading to better knowledge of visual functions and increasing the likelihood of new therapies in the future. Modern low vision rehabilitation will become increasingly important in the upcoming years as the world’s population continues to age.

This congress will be one for us to share our thoughts and exchange ideas on how to chart our journey forward to reach new heights. We have an exciting program at this congress that will allow participants to reflect upon and jointly explore current and future directions.  We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are headed.

Before I close, I’d like to thank each of you for attending the congress and bringing your expertise and passions. All of this would not have been made possible without you. During your time here, I hope you utilize the resources that are made available to you, establish and meet new friends and contacts; and continue to expand your network. Stay engaged, have fun, and continue to grow as professionals in this very rewarding field.

Mdm Noor Zahirah Husain
Low Vision and Visual rehabilitation Committee
Ministry of Health, Malaysia

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